
Welcome to the International NVC Caravan. Here you can find out more about our journey to promote Nonviolent Communication through volunteer-run, peer-led events around the world.

Logo: Luis Diaz

7th International NVC Caravan Dublin 25-26 November 2023

Join us for a two day immersion in Nonviolent Communication John Fitzsimons is the local anchor for the 7th NVC Caravan at the Monkstown Quaker Centre. We will be back 200m from it all started in 2016. On Saturday we will run from 9am to 5pm and on Sunday 1pm to 5pm. Join John, Glenn…

Selene Aswell – building community

We hope you enjoy this short video of a longer conversation at the eCaravan event July 2020 with coach and facilitator Selene Aswell about building community using a needs based regenerative culture approach as much as we enjoyed making it. https://youtu.be/mDMWirToq2E

Our wish to you and to ourselves

So many of were moved by the wonderful poem and picture shared at the eCaravan 4 July 2020 by Frans and Mignon Besselink who have given so much already to the project. Here is the text of the poem and the picture – celebrating a wonderful co creation πŸ¦’πŸ«πŸ’š Our wish to you and to…